The Woodstock Residents’ Association is a civic organization dedicated to promoting the well-being of everyone in Greater Woodstock, an area spanning from Nelson Mandela Boulevard to FW de Klerk Boulevard, and from The Avenue through Salt River Rd to the circle to where Nelson Mandela Boulevard intersects Victoria Road. We strive to represent our community in its interactions with local authorities, primarily to provide a platform for residents to connect and address shared concerns, and facilitate cooperation with other organizations to achieve common goals. Membership is open to all: owners, renters, body corporate buildings and even the homeless should they wish. Commercial Property owners, and businesses within the area are just as welcome and we encourage active participation in shaping our vibrant community.

Management committee
Want to get more involved in your community?
We’re looking for volunteers to join the management committee and specific issue-focused task teams to benefit the neighbourhood, please email: [email protected]

Membership fee and donations
Our voluntary membership fee is R50 for the year. If you cannot afford the membership fee, you are still welcome to join. If you are able to make a larger donation, please do so, so WRA can provide more support to our activities and other neighbourhood initiatives.


Details for EFT

Bank: Nedbank
Name account: Woodstock Residents’ Association
Account N.: 1202912095
Branch code: 198765
Reference: Surname WRA 2022

For further donations please use Surname donation as reference


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To donate

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Be a part of Woodstock CAN

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To see our Facebook Page


Please donate food
money, or time!

We are all in this together and we are all suffering, in similar ways and to different degrees.

Call for our neighborhood
Woodstock CAN

The coronavirus reminds us that we are all connected and need to support each other

Special permits for food trading during COVID-19

Download here the information about the Special permits for food trading during COVID-19

Tool kit​

Download here a PDF guide to make masks. Booklet made by the Woodstock Sews4Safety group.

4 Ways you can help contain the spread of COVID-19

The best way to prevent the spread of coronavirus is by washing your hands and cleaning day to day surfaces. Here are 4 tips to follow.

Flatten the curve

What is the curve?
The “curve” refers to the projected number of people who will contract COVID-19 over a period of time.
A steep curve means an over-burdened health system.

Read more in this section…


Read more in this section…



In front of the Woodstock Town Hall, Plein/Aberdeen St, Woodstock
To stay COVID-safe, we are gathering outdoors. Chairs will be provided!
If it is a hot day, please bring an umbrella to avoid sunburn 🙂


Call on Salt River and Woodstock communities to co-create their neighbourhoods

The City of Cape Town is piloting a new approach where we want residents to help us co-create their neighbourhood. Woodstock and Salt River are the first areas where we are calling on the local community to help us shape the vision for future development.

Building & Renovating

Woodstock is a designated ‘Heritage Area’ – this means that the visual streetscape is seen as a cultural asset, and is protected by law. Anyone planning to renovate or build on their property is strongly recommended to contact the Woodstock Aesthetics Advisory Body for advice.